We desperately check for text messages, emails, and Facebook updates, but what are we longing for? When we reach for our devices, we hope to find something beyond ourselves. How do we write ourselves onto the world? How does the world write itself back onto us?
Please be advised that this show contains strong language.
Glow explores the deep human need for validation that is exposed by our compulsion to use, check, and constantly monitor the media in our lives. On our screens, validation becomes the foundation of identity, one we try to solidify in a fury of words. But in this world of gadgets and social media sites, the words are fragile and easy to undermine, manipulate, and efface. When do we successfully write our identities? What happens when we fail and the words fly back at us?
Kaleid Theatre (as in Kaleidoscope, as in Collide) is a physical theatre company that combines an obsession with language, a compulsion to dance, and a thirst for community understanding to create new work.