Based on a story in The Weekly World News, this musical comedy/horror show is about a half boy/half bat who's discovered in a cave. He's eventually accepted and taught to act like a "normal" boy. Bat Boy finds love and happiness, but this is tragically shattered when a scandalous secret is revealed!
Life Theatre Company was founded in 2011 by Zoi Gianneas along with collaborators Sean Flaherty, Erica Imparato, Sean Mehlbaum, Tyler Hoffman, Jamie Soltis, and Kate Nelson. All seven artists were close friends and fellow Theatre Majors at West Chester University and loved working together so much that they wanted to create something of their own.
LTC debuted their first cabaret “Hear To Stay” in the SkyBox at the Adrienne in March 2012 and recently performed a series of 4 original cabarets at the PlayGround at the Adrienne from February until June 2013. They are very excited to be back in the SkyBox again this September 18-22 to present their first full production of Bat Boy: The Musical as part of the 2013 Philly FringeArts Festival.
Based on a story in The Weekly World News, Bat Boy: The Musical is a comedy/horror show about a half boy/half bat who's discovered in a cave. He's eventually accepted and taught to act like a "normal" boy. Bat Boy finds love and happiness, but this is tragically shattered when a scandalous secret is revealed!!
Life Theatre Company’s mission is to create art that evokes all the different emotions we experience in life. They aim to produce theatre in a positive, creative atmosphere where artists have the freedom to explore the art of self expression. As a proud member of the Philadelphia Theatre Community, LTC hopes to keep sharing their love for the art of theatre for many years to come.